Balancing your Chakras with Stephanie Miller

Balancing Your Chakras.

Everything in our universe is radiating energy, from the biggest mountain or ocean, to the tiniest blade of grass, to each individual cell in our body. All of our cells emit energy in different ways, and different cells will emit different kinds of energy depending on where they are located within the body and what their job is.

It should come as no surprise, then, that given the specialized nature of your body’s energy, there are several different channels located on key points of the body through which energy can flow in and out in a constant stream. These are called the chakras.

The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit, though these are not like any wheels we’ve ever seen. Chakra energy spins in a clockwise direction as it moves the energy of our body out into the field around us, and it spins counterclockwise to pull energy from our external world (and the people in it) into our body. It is the frequency state of our chakras that determines the direction our energy will flow as they either draw energy into our body or release it outward.

“There are several different channels located on key points of the body through which energy can flow in and out in a constant stream.”

But are our chakras physical entities? Are they actual little wheels spinning in the seven key centers of our body? No. They are not made up of matter; they are energetic. But like the whirring blades of a fan, just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

You might be wondering how we can know chakras exist if we can’t actually see them. It is a valid question, and one that science has not yet found a hard answer for.

It was a bit of a leap for me as a science minded person to make when I began learning about chakra healing. I’m a scientist, not a philosopher is the resistance my ego threw at me as I started to explore what was an entirely new frontier for me.

But while the concept of chakras was new for me (and still manages to evade scientific proof), it has existed for thousands of years and across cultures. It has been studied and demonstrated time and again in the Ayurvedic & yoga traditions, as well as through the Chinese concepts of qi and meridians, and it is something that I have “proven” to myself through my own experience and in my chakra healing work with my patients.

The influence of our body’s energy, the life force that flows through us, and the power of the quantum field itself are things that our scientific capabilities have yet to catch up with. I do believe that we will get there eventually, but until then we can only rely on our experience and the teachings of others.

The chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness. Your consciousness, how you perceive your reality, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, perceptions, and possible states of awareness can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a particular chakra.

When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical and energy body associated with that chakra. Where you feel the stress depends therefore on why you feel the stress.

When you are hurt in a relationship, you feel it in your heart. When you are nervous, your legs tremble and your bladder becomes weak. When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness, and therefore in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra and communicated to the parts of the physical & energy body controlled by that plexus.

When the tension continues over a period of time or reaches a particular degree of intensity, it creates a symptom on the physical level and requires chakra healing to resolve. Again, the symptom serves to communicate to you through your body what you have been doing to yourself in your consciousness.

Balance Is Key in Chakra Healing

No one chakra is better than the others or more important than any other in the process of energy body balancing and chakra healing. You don’t want to have extra heart chakra energy and less throat chakra energy; it simply doesn’t work like that. Ideally, all 7 of your chakras should be balanced, open, and humming, allowing energy to flow into and out of your body.

The amazing thing is that your body is going to find a way to move energy in and out (unless, of course, your ego self is telling it to hold on to something). If one of your chakras is closed or under-active, there is a very good chance that another chakra will be overactive to make up the difference.

Because your body wants to achieve energetic balance in your chakras, moving too far in either direction (under-active or overactive) in any one chakra can actually yield negative effects in your body and be counterproductive to the energy body and chakra healing process. An under-active chakra kicks another chakra into overdrive, which in turn pulls extra energy away from that part of the body.

The descriptions below show how you may act or feel when your chakras get knocked out of balance and need healing. The first one lists the physical systems associated with each chakra and the potential physical symptoms that may tell you something’s out of whack.

How You May Feel or Act When Chakras Are Overactive or Under-active

Root Chakra

Overactive Fearful, nervous, insecure, or ungrounded; materialistic or greedy; resistant to change

Under-active Lacking a sense of being at home or secure anywhere, codependent, unable to get into one’s body, fearful of abandonment

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs: Adrenal glands, spine, blood, and reproductive organs

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Inability to sit still, restlessness, unhealthy weight (either obesity or eating disorder), constipation, cramps, fatigue or sluggishness

Sacral Chakra

Overactive Overemotional, very quick to attach and invest in others, attracted to drama, moody, lacking personal boundaries

Under-active Stiff, unemotional, closed off to others, lacking self-esteem or self-worth, possibly in an abusive relationship

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs Kidneys and reproductive organs: ovaries, testes, and uterus

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Lower-back pain or stiffness, urinary issues, kidney pain or infection, infertility, impotence

Navel (Solar Plexus) Chakra

Overactive Domineering, aggressive, angry, perfectionistic or overly critical of oneself or others

Under-active Passive, indecisive, timid, lacking self-control

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs Central nervous system, digestive system (stomach and intestines), liver, pancreas, metabolic system

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Ulcers, gas, nausea, or other digestive problems; eating disorders; asthma or other respiratory ailments; nerve pain or fibromyalgia; infection in the liver or kidneys; other organ problems.

Heart Chakra

Overactive Loving in a clingy, suffocating way; lacking a sense of self in a relationship; willing to say yes to everything; lacking boundaries, letting everyone in

Under-active Cold, distant, lonely, unable or unwilling to open up to others, grudgeful

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs Thymus gland and immune system, heart, lungs, breasts, arms, hands

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Heart and circulatory problems (high blood pressure, heart palpitations, heart attack), poor circulation or numbness, asthma or other respiratory ailments, breast cancer, stiff joints or joint problems in the hands.

Throat Chakra

Overactive Overly talkative, unable to listen, highly critical, verbally abusive, condescending

Under-active Introverted, shy, having difficulty speaking the truth, unable to express needs

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs Thyroid, neck, throat, shoulders, ears, and mouth

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Stiffness or soreness in the neck or shoulders, sore throat, hoarseness or laryngitis, earaches or infection, dental issues or TMJ, thyroid issues.

Third Eye Chakra

Overactive Out of touch with reality, lacking good judgment, unable to focus, prone to hallucinations

Under-active Rigid in thinking, closed off to new ideas, too reliant on authority, disconnected or distrustful of inner voice, anxious, clinging to the past and fearful of the future

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs Pituitary, eyes, brow, base of skull, biorhythms

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Vision problems, headaches or migraines, insomnia or sleep disorders, seizures, nightmares (though this isn’t a physical symptom per se, it is a common occurrence)

Crown Chakra

Overactive Addicted to spirituality, heedless of bodily needs, having difficulty controlling emotions

Under-active Not very open to spirituality, unable to set or maintain goals, lacking direction

Associated Endocrine Glands & Organs Pituitary and pineal gland, brain, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, central nervous system

Physical Symptoms of Unbalance Dizziness, confusion, mental fog, neurological disorders, nerve pain, schizophrenia or other mental disorders.

Chakras and Your Energetic Frequency

The energy of our chakras influences our physical processes via inhibition and stimulation. Remember, chakras are like emotional energetic centers in the body. In order to compensate for a constricted, under-active chakra, another chakra will become overactive, sending out your low-frequency vibes at a greater rate, which then requires further balancing in the chakra healing process.

That in turn creates and prolongs a low-frequency reality. If your chakras are these energy centers emitting and absorbing energy, then are they the source of your frequency, or are they the result of it?

So, how do we keep ourselves balanced? I LOVE doing this type of work with my clients. I am here to serve as your guide, but it is YOU that does the inner work. We must be willing to dive deep within & take notice of how we are living our lives mentally, physically & spiritually. I offer a Chakra Balancing Massage to help give you the tools you need to relax and turn within.

When you work on the body, the mind comes along for the ride, and vice-versa. It’s the same with your frequency and your chakra energy. When you’re in ego frequency, it affects the flow of energy within your chakras and your physical and energy body as a whole creating more of a need for energy body and chakra healing, among other things. However, as you clear, clean and heal your chakras by moving energy around, then you are also making a positive change in your frequency.

Just remember, if you’re operating on a lower frequency, then 1) you’re creating your reality, because your five senses are picking up what you’re applying your consciousness to (“This is where we are, find me all the things that reinforce that”), and 2) your resonant frequency is what you’re putting out into the universe and what you’re drawing into yourself through your chakras, impacting your physical state.

Balance your body & align your chakras through massage

As part of my chakra balancing massage, I guide you through 90 minutes of relaxation massage, breathwork, aromatherapy and guided meditation. Meditation has proven psychological benefits; and according to the Mayo Clinic, aromatherapy also provides some therapeutic properties.

We begin with a indulgent foot scrub using Beautycounter’s lemongrass salt scrub. We then tune into your body & mind going through a series of gentle stretches, compressions & tapotement to get the energy moving through the body. As you receive your therapeutic massage, we find the tight spots in the body and tune into any possible dysfunctions that may be due to unbalanced chakras; and how your emotions may be affecting you physically.

I will guide you though a meditation and infuse my premium essential oils from DoTERRA into an aromatic journey into deep relaxation.

A holistic health routine

Along with my essential oils, regular yoga practice & massage, I also regularly use CBD products to help keep my systemic inflammation down & help keep my mood in check.

It helps me deal with chronic pain, anxiety & depression in a healthy way. It is also great to help get a good night’s sleep. Thoughtcloud is an impressive company that makes pure, organic CBD products for you & your pets.

And…….just for paying attention & reading this far, I’m gonna give you a code for 10% off & free shipping. Just type in “CBDNERDS” at checkout using my referral link. And be sure to check out their interesting article on how CBD can help balance your chakras:

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